Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 9, Nacogdoches, TX

After a couple of days in Waco, we went back to the Foretravel Factory in Nacogdoches, TX. . We had an appointment on May 12 to have new awnings installed on the coach. Since we had nothing else to do, we just came in early. Even though it is a huge parking lot, it is still pleasant since there are always other owners to visit with.

We continue to be amazed at the quality of this coach. The items that have needed attention have been so minor, compared to other coaches that we have had and those that so many others have had.

Nacogdoches is the oldest town in Texas and has a rich history. There is a lot of interesting information on the city website.

While there we had some really bad thunderstorms. Tribble is so frightened when there is just a sprinkle of rain, and becomes totally hysterical when the weather gets bad. The storms started on Tuesday night--I was up most of the night with Tribble. They continued all day Wednesday. Fortunately, I was able to stay in the coach while it was in the service bay. I had sedated her, and just sat in the recliner ALL day holding her. Then the storms came again that night--this time really bad--and I had to sedate her again--again, I was up most of the night. I hate to have to knock her out, but there really is no choice. Then she has a really bad hangover the next day. Then during the night Friday night, she woke me up at the same time that the storms had started the two previous nights---trembling--afraid it would happen again. She is so pitiful when the storms hit--and after those two nights, just a tiny shower really upsets her.

When we were in NAC a couple of months ago, we met a great couple, Debbie and Kim, that live there and are Foretravel owners. They came by to visit on Sunday evening, and then went to dinner the following Saturday. We really enjoyed visiting with them and look forward to seeing them again.

Other than these things, it was an uneventful time.

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